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Moving Past Our Money Mistakes
I feel incredibly lucky to have made some TRULY horrifying mistakes when it comes to money. I mean... I’ve made a lot of mistakes in my life - but these were *particularly* impressive. If we could take a peek back in time to my 20's there I would be - just tryin to...
Our Invisible Money Scripts
"We can't afford that." "Money changes people." "Rich people are evil." "The stock market is gambling." "Your money isn't safe in banks." "A college degree and a good job is success." Any of these sound familiar?? What we grow up seeing and hearing from our family,...
What you should be doing now for your child’s success later
Equipping them for success starts right now. In the first half of 2020, parents were thrown head first into the deep end. As if having kids that you worry about 24/7 weren't enough, we suddenly lost the luxuries of daycare, parks, libraries, and school - Welcome to...
A fun (and transformational) game for the family
As a family, are you taking steps to encourage mindfulness? In children and adults alike, mindfulness is a key component to success and overall happiness. With effects that span both body and mind, its an important (but overlooked) part of parenting. That's no...
If you don’t sacrifice for your dream, your dream will be the sacrifice.
It's a catchy phrase and a core tenet of financial literacy, but what did you do really do today to put in the WORK to get you there? Not think about doing or plan to do, what did you actually in the real, physical world do? What did you say no to? What did you...
The Intentional Creation of (tiny) Innovators
There’s so much talk about innovation but not nearly enough about the intentional creation of innovators. Critical thinking and problem solving, initiative, curiosity, imagination, collaboration, financial literacy for kids - these skills will be NECESSARY for the...
You are powerful beyond measure, beautiful girl.
You are a force of nature that can create anything and everything if you decide to – that can change the world if you want to. No one may have taught you this yet, but it is true just the same. When we realize our full potential (everything we can really do), it can...